Where Does Sugar Get To Know Someone Anime Stop#q=where Does Shokugeki No Soma Anime Stuff
Satou Matsuzaka is a beautiful high schooler who has a reputation for beingness permissive with men. However, a risk encounter with a young girl named Shio Koube makes Satou realize that this is her first and only true feeling of love.
Telling others that she lives with her aunt, Satou secretly shares an apartment with Shio. Despite her innocent appearance, Satou is willing to do anything to protect her dearest, resorting to desperate measures to ensure that their "happy sugar life" remains intact.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
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| ReoNa Theme Song Performance, Inserted Song Performance |
Sep 28, 2018
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall | 9 |
Story | 8 |
Animation | 8 |
Sound | viii |
Character | 7 |
Enjoyment | nine |
It'south only stupid if information technology doesn't work.
Nowadays, the shows I fight to defend are highly misunderstood because their appeal is also specific, causing the general audience to flaunt their standards around like they're supposed to mean anything. Past examples include Mahou Shoujo Site, Jashin-chan Dropkick and Manus Shakers. Yet, Happy Sugar Life is a unlike sort of… thing, whose plot setup is almost equally logically sound as riding a lawnmower during a hurricane, seemingly leaving non but a select, niche appeal for the sickos like me.
A high school girl is basically holding a fiddling girl hostage in a populated apartment complex; she hides this amidst her normal daily life of going to schoolhouse and working part-time jobs. Y'all know, similar all teenagers practice. If this is your first fourth dimension reading the synopsis, then you're probably asking a lot of questions like "Huh?" or "What?" considering the basic rules and structure of society suggest that this shouldn't fifty-fifty be possible. And for me, knowing that much is what made this story interesting--HOW these characters are living such lives, and what will happen when information technology inevitably shatters. Because there's just no way it won't--and the very first scene of the anime suggests that it very much volition. Happy Sugar Life makes apply of its own flaws. The sugar-coated scenes of the main characters in their unnatural habitat are not just for bear witness; they're presented as a true illusion from reality. The conflict is all the outsiders learning more well-nigh their lives and trying to tear it downward, a plot that snowballs as the state of affairs becomes more and more complicated. A situation known as "reality". What's more, is that the aforementioned little girl doesn't even seem to be a real character. Shio Koube lives and breathes, simply her actual personality is inexplainable. She's constantly happy and cheery and trying to exercise the best she can to help her caretaker. She doesn't question the life she lives or the outside world she'due south prevented from seeing. She is just "a daughteru": the ideal child anyone would want to accept--no, scratch that. Megumin and Chtholly are daughterus to me, but that'southward because they really seem like existent characters, because real characters take flaws. Shio Koube does not. Shio Koube is not a real character, nor a daughteru--she is a pet. A Shia pet, if you volition. She exists to be beautiful and fluffy; yous feed her and play with her a flake, and if you can do those two things, then she's not gonna exist a carp to yous exterior of the occasional natural fuck-upwards. That's cool and all, but that's not how a human child really acts. Simply what's smart about the anime is that it actually addresses this. Shio's personality is the result of past trauma that'due south she'due south forgotten; and as she learns more than and more near herself, it starts to crack a piddling. By the stop of the series, Shio outright states that she's meant to be more than a living object used to draw mental security from, practically breaking the quaternary wall by stating she's a real graphic symbol who has a functional and realistic train of thought that accurately feeds into her personality. In other words, Happy Carbohydrate Life was only pretending to exist retarded. Because, with the way it handles its plot by addressing its flaws and nailing its appeal with few bug, I tin can't help only think that Happy Saccharide Life is actually pretty clever. Equally dumb and over-the-top it may seem, information technology was in full control of itself and did what it set out to do. Suffering, violence, trauma and psychosis. Of course an anime chosen "Happy Sugar Life" would be almost anything only. Characters take very specific, intricately detailed mental issues, so much so that I tin can't guarantee the anime doesn't take identify in some sort of high-tech asylum that simulates society as therapy for its patients. The mode they're presented are interesting on their own for what they are, but the main character herself acts in a surprisingly grounded way. In the first episode, she verbally beats downward her employer over a payroll cutting, explaining how she was fully aware of the manager'southward schemes but played along for the sake of being nice, only to still be punished. She completely dismantles this person mentally and challenges her, but her tone of vox is what sells the scene. She doesn't scream or shout, the soundtrack is dark only sparse with details, and the visual direction is unproblematic but constructive. It's not dynamic, over-acted, or over-the-top. This scene could've hands been a screaming lucifer between ii idiots, but… that would only be giddy and unnecessary. Repose words speak louder than loud words. That's totally how the saying goes. Satou Matsuzaka, aka "Holy Shit Is That A Motherfucking Mirai Nikki Reference???" is fully in control of herself, able to function like a normal person in most circumstances. And past "control", I mean she seems to be keeping a deeper acrimony pent upwardly within her, choosing not to do any more than what's necessary. It's a contrast from the manager in episode one, who fights back with shouting and more torso language, among other characters that I'll get into subsequently. The stability of Definitely Not Yuno's mental status is part of the snowballing conflict--equally her Title of The Anime becomes harder and harder to keep, her psyche decays, and equally her psyche decays, she becomes more and more dangerous. Basically, if you know what the fuck a yandere is, yous know what'due south upwards. Watching Pink Yandere fall further into despair as the story progressed, as well as her desperate shifts in mental attitude, are a nail to watch. Hana Kanazawa delivers one of the all-time performances in her incredibly prolific career, at times sounding completely unrecognizable to me. She'southward not simply using her Akane Tsunemori serious drama voice, she's speaking in a tone FAR lower than almost every anime she's been bandage in. And, every bit a huge fan of Mirai Nikki, y'all bet your ass I loved episode 11 when she tied her hair back to look exactly like Yuno. Praise be. The other characters in the serial are in various stages of sanity, for better or for worse. The most notable is Satou's Aunt, who hoardes trash and lets weirdos beat the shit out of her for pleasure. You know, like all loving aunts do. Merely, like Satou, she's fully in control of her actions. Rather, this is a affair of i beingness so deluded of themselves that they believe their behavior to be healthy. AILF (aunt i'd like to fuck) even convinces herself to have a fulfilling office within gild, accepting hostility and fucking it out of them. She is indeed quite over-the-top, just the long dialogues she provides make her believable enough to be enjoyable. And and so there'southward the lolicon guy… oh boy. This fuckin' guy. Every bit a effect of things happening that cause him to distrust adults, he becomes so fully attached to Shio that he takes passionate inhalations of her missing poster flyers. THIS is the over-the-elevation character that you'd expect to see from a total edgelord show, and really, your opinion of him only depends on how much you're into that kinda stuff. To me, this character is no more than a punchline--more than like a punching pocketbook, actually, given all the shit he goes through. A full display of maximum disparity and lack of self-control, his deportment are so cartoonish and ridiculous that all he ends upwards doing in the series is suffering. A lot. He'south but a dumping footing for all the negative consequences brought on by the other characters. Overall, non a grapheme to be taken seriously; he stands at the border between Happy Sugar Life existence a completely serious drama and a goofy, edgy comedy. I like the mixture of both worlds. But the crowning jewel of this anime are some of the more psychologically-based scenes. For equally weird and silly as the anime can exist, there are scenes of bodily genius scattered throughout--near notably, the start half of episode eight. It explores the backstory of Satou'southward and Shio's apartment through the eyes of its former resident. All of it is in showtime-person view with no music, and the resident never speaks. Instead, their moments of "dialogue" are replaced with a glitchy audio prune over a fluctuating black line. The pauses before these clips make noise and their varying intensity fill in the blanks of Satou's conversations perfectly. It'south a tremendously well-done scene that I would recommend to anyone, fifty-fifty if you haven't seen the remainder of the anime. Sound manipulation is a motif in this serial; characters' voices will go static-y and distorted in key moments to intensify their dark expressions. Several different visual tricks are used for like reasons--glowing eyes, static, reflections, scratchy lines, lighting, shadows, tactful shot compositions and other things are all deployed for the show's depraved, depressing and nighttime moods without overdoing whatsoever of them. Meanwhile, happier moments are shown with sparkles, bubbles, clouds and bright, poppy colors; then corny that they're almost vomit-inducing, and I hateful that in the all-time way possible. Happy Saccharide Life doesn't necessarily excel with animation, set pieces or character designs, merely the diverse tricks it uses to communicate its feelings are excellent. Similarly, the soundtrack doesn't specially stand out, only the audio design is quite adept, I'll say again. Rising violins, static, vocal manipulation and prestigious voice acting get the task more than done. The OP is one of my favorites of the entire yr, using a song perfectly toned to this anime with its siren-like guitar riffs and optimistic, upbeat tone, shifting in and out of muttered, paranoid passages. Baroque, photographed objects float about in the background; a Shio-like angel flies over shadowy figures of the characters, and diverse trappings by glass jars and thorns lay over Satou as the video glitches with inconsistent timing. It's easy to run into what'south going on in the OP based on a few episodes of the testify itself, just it's communicated in and then many incredible ways that the OP never got skipped. The ED is expert… for an ED, that is, which is to say non much, simply the animation of Satou and Shio is cute, and the vocal itself is quite touching. If you've read my reviews before, y'all know that I'm completely and 100% serious in all of my reviews, and I never make any jokes whatever, so when I say this is a 9/10 anime, I mean that information technology should be watched by all eyes, no matter what. Now, if you've ACTUALLY read my reviews before, yous'd know I similar to play around, that I don't really care about ratings, that I'm not all that interested in seeing a fully-serious, masterfully-crafted story. Simply with its combination of surprise turnarounds, smart directing and only the right amount of silliness, I'd truly say that Happy Saccharide Life is a quality anime; not just past my standards, but for drama and psychological anime equally a whole. Indeed, it is not perfect--some people volition be unhappy with some of the characters or not be willing to see how the anime fixes itself down the line. In fact, I myself have room to complain about the teacher non having whatsoever existent exploration to his character, as well as some scenes that simply would not happen in the real world, such as Satou'southward Aunt seducing the police officer, as proficient as it was. A lot of information technology is conveniently written. The characters aren't particularly deep and more idealized than realized. But, overall, Happy Carbohydrate Life is FUN. Information technology is an exciting series that takes niggling fourth dimension to light its beginning match, and one time it gets going it doesn't allow upwardly until information technology has burned everything down. I dearly recommend this anime to anyone who's into not but edgy comedies, but anyone who's interested in a kinda wacky psychological drama that even manages to unnerve yous a picayune fleck. Perhaps it is non the most effective at what it is, but information technology is, even so, constructive. Story - 8/10
Fine art - viii/x
Sound - 8/10
Characters - 7/10
Enjoyment - ix/x
Yandere - 10/ten
Overall - ix/ten
Favorite episode - 8
Favorite graphic symbol - Satou. Or her Aunt. Depends on how I'm feeling or how horny I am I guess. Pretend I didn't type that out.
Recommendation level - Medium-loftier
Sep 28, 2018
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall | 2 |
Story | 4 |
Animation | ane |
Sound | 1 |
Character | 1 |
Enjoyment | ten |
For every bit long equally I've been watching anime, there has always been a considerable amount of the community who can find so much entertainment in shows which are "and so bad, they're good." Whether it exist the ostentatiously pandering fan service of shows similar Eromanga Sensei, the immeasurably trite and gaudily derivative plot of shows like In Some other World With My Smartphone, or the hysterically edgy situations in shows similar Magical Girl Site, the community always seems to find something to enjoy in shows that are merely, undeniably, and blatantly trash. But as the maxim goes, "one human being's trash is another man'southward treasure", and information technology looks like I've institute my treasure in the trash that is Happy Saccharide Life. First and foremost, let me be clear with you this verbal brand of trash was thrown aside simply so a degenerate with the exact perversions as myself could clamber by and fish it out of the muddy gutter. If you aren't messed up in the head in the verbal same manner as I am, then you lot should stay as far abroad from this embarrassing railroad train wreck of an anime equally you perhaps can, and so I'll just cut to the hunt. If you lot don't similar yuri romance, age-gap romance, moe girls, lolis, or Stockholm Syndrome fetishism, so have your get out immediately for your own sanity's good. This evidence is abjectly terrible, then merely salvage yourself while you still tin. But if you are into that shit, so permit's dive in. Happy Carbohydrate Life is in the "horror comedy" genre of anime, anime which are technically horror thrillers, but anime which are then bombastically bad at being provocative they merely become funny. Everyone and everything is comically over-the-top edgy for no reason. At that place'south murder, rape, extramarital affairs, any overused bullet signal on the edge checklist gets checked. Everything looks ugly equally sin, the animation is god awful, the graphic symbol designs are across basic, the OST is either ho-hum or actively unfitting, the cinematography is almost exclusively flat-panning shots with lxx% of every episode existence nonetheless frames, and I could honestly go along going because this is a bottom-of-the-barrel production from a nobody studio and staff which looks and runs terrifically bad. That said, the main character is a beautiful yandere girl with pink hair, buns, and is somehow voiced by Kana Hanazawa who is in dear with an elementary school loli with whom she shares a home, bath, and bed. I am fucking sold. This show may every bit well be perfect. Watching this week past week was hysterical. The evidence is worst of the worst, simply I got to be reminded there is a real show, really existence made in existent life, which features a yuri age-gap romance about a psychotic sex-craved schoolgirl who murders and blackmails anyone who threatens to interrupt her life living with a loli she literally kidnaped and locked in her apartment. I don't need to elaborate on the concept because just one single thing of note happened throughout the unabridged show, and I don't think only considering at that place's a decent five minute scene at the finish of episode ix y'all should go and watch the whole testify, because the remaining 2 hundred and l 9 minutes were pure garbage. Any mature person who happens to come across this review can see this prove is nothing but mindless self indulgence, and so if it sounds similar something you can indulge in like I did, give it a spotter. That'south it. Done. Ten out of 10, would watch again. Give thanks yous for reading. I know my other reviews are more serious than this, merely this show was just far as well much for me to handle sober and with a straight confront.
Jan half-dozen, 2019
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall | 9 |
Story | 8 |
Blitheness | 8 |
Sound | nine |
Character | 9 |
Enjoyment | 10 |
Happy Sugar Life (HSL) is a psychological horror well-nigh normal people being pushed to their limits. Throughout this show, contrasts are stressed and found in every way possible as I will be discussing throughout this review.
Art 8/x: One of HSL'south best attributes. Sound 8/10: The Opening explores this contrasts theme a bit more than. The OP begins with an innocent voice and a happy sounding tone. The Opening so switches to a more deep tone and the vocalizer (Akari Nanawo) sings in a more intimidating tone. Characters 9/ten: The characters are all introduced every bit normal people. On the surface they all await trustworthy. All the characters are in respectable positions and are in some cases even idolized, but then their insanity meter gets turned up to xi if they are pushed overboard. Contrasts are in one case once again used here, down to the names of our two primary characters, Satou (saccharide) and Shio (salt). On the topic of names. The names of the characters all have a meaning to what they provided or represents in the Anime. If you lot are done watching the Anime I would recommend searching the meaning of their names. The characters feel real in the sense that they all have the inner struggles that we equally humans are fighting everyday. The merely part where this subtracts from realism is the fact that so many characters snap around the main character. Story 9/10: The story is pretty dark. Themes are explored which is not actually that common in some Anime. Which once once again brings it back to the contrasts. All of the characters are looking for their "Happy Sugar Life." Yet they don't see that past searching for this happiness they keep on leaving despair and in one case they find this "platonic" life, they are dislocated as to why they are non happy. The story intentionally makes you empathize with the main character. Which I would say is difficult to do as if you take the graphic symbol out and identify them in the real world, this member would be hated. The story does a great job in making you root and care for a really repulsive existence. The pacing is non something to complain near. Not likewise fast and not too slow. The ending was a fleck abrupt and for many was a bit distasteful. Enjoyment x/10: Why I liked it: The use of all the above discussed means to tell a pretty dark story was something I enjoyed a lot. The overall usage of contrasts was also something that I liked a lot. Studio Ezόla did a pretty fine job in their first Anime and I am looking forward to more of their work if they are to pursue more than titles in the hereafter. I accept since and so bought the Manga for this and the adaptation done by the Studio was pretty good. The ending was likewise fully original as the Manga stopped around episode 11. Why You might non similar information technology: Overall 9/x: I was actually impressed by this Anime. With a totally new Studio and a managing director which has only directed a few Anime in the past, my expectations for HSL was pretty low. Only as the story progressed I could encounter the effort the managing director and the animators put in to make this start project a huge success in my opinion.
Studio Ezόla has opted for a pretty basic art mode for this Anime. The surround or backgrounds are simple, simply never feels fake or takes away from the original style, so no points deducted from that. This is the best instance of where you tin can see contrasts being used. In happy or cheerful scenes, the colors used are extremely vivid and sparkly. The color scale too shifts more than to cerise to give that "alive" and "warm" feeling. And on certain scenes the art turns extremely dark. The entire scene gets washed in a blueish similar hue to give of this "expressionless" and "cold" feeling. HSL too uses the "eyes are the windows to the soul" maxim to its fullest. In some scenes, the optics of the characters change drastically to reflect their inner struggles. Subtle things like the eyes giving of a burning sensation when the characters are engulfed in anger is a nice impact and is sometimes pretty hard to see unless you look carefully.
At that place is almost never actually on-screen violence in the Anime. The Anime uses visual hints every bit well accompanying sound effects to brand you lot visualize those scenes for yourself. Which is what makes this Anime a truly psychological Anime.
The Catastrophe has an overall at-home tone to assistance with force per unit area release and the end of the episode.
The OST is subtle only constructive, builds tension when it must and sets the overall tone for the scene when needed. In some stages the lack of an OST is likewise used to requite a fake sense of security to the viewer earlier taking you by surprise.
The special insert song used in its corresponding episode was used to support the visual metaphor of the arc equally well as back up the feelings of the character the arc focuses on.
The story is not a Happy Sugar Life. It is a psychological horror that keeps you asking "Is this actually OK?", "Are we the baddies?" and "Why am I rooting for this person?" Fifty-fifty though in that location is never really that much on-screen violence. The Anime go on hinting towards what happened and the ways in which this violence occurred. The ending was for some a scrap distasteful. The story is near a relationship between a kid and a high-school student. I recollect those are the primary reasons you would not like this Anime. I would likewise not recommend this as a starting time Anime for someone just starting out, unless they like Horror or similar shows to this.
Sep 28, 2018
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall | 7 |
Story | 7 |
Animation | 7 |
Sound | 7 |
Character | vi |
Enjoyment | 7 |
Once upon a fourth dimension, there was a girl who didn't know what love really is. She seemingly had no goals in life with a rootless agreement about love. Sleeping with guys and not truly knowing what her life is about, she didn't know if there was a place to belong. Wondering around the end of abyss of life and not knowing who she can really be with. And then, a child appeared. An innocent child with a confront total of life and sugar. Is this a chance to truly discover beloved? Is information technology a chance to alive a happy sugar life?
As a show that combines elements of psychological horror, suspense, and thriller, Happy Sugar Life looked deceptive at first glance. Now I acknowledge, I'm a scrap of a sucker when it comes to shows where nosotros have an anti-hero protagonist. I hateful, the first episode speak for itself once you realize Matsuzaka Satou's personality. She is essentially living a double life – 1 that is of a normal girl and other being overly obsessive of Shio Kobe. This devotion to Shio is so stiff that she is willing to impale others to "protect" her from damage. In Satou's mind, being with Shio equates to happiness. Despite the circuitous nature of the plot, the setup of the story is actually very simple. We got Satou who pretty much takes Shio equally a partner and isolates her in a identify where she feels is safe. It's an flat that looks normal on the inside and outside until yous realize there may exist something much darker going on backside the scenes. The first few episodes is rather cryptic about Satou'southward actions including parts where she takes questionable content in and out of the house. Meanwhile, there's definitely character chemical science going on between Satou and Shio. The duo shares an innocent dearest chemistry and ritual-similar marriage ceremonies on a frequent footing. On most parts, the prove seems fluffy during those segments while masking the suspenseful thriller storytelling. Throughout the series, we notice but how far from normal Satou actually is. The show also makes it clear that she volition go to any length to protect Shio fifty-fifty if it means murder. Anyone who is familiar with the term 'yandere' will easily dedicate her grapheme as such. In essence, Satou is a circuitous character who sees her idea of love in a twisted way. Regardless of consequences, she volition exercise anything to protect that love. This puts Shio on the contrary end of the spectrum every bit she is an innocent kid. Despite that, she seems to adore Satou and always values their relationship. Information technology'due south the sort of child behavior you'd expect from this show. The more I watched Happy Sugar Life, the more I realized how this evidence depicts homo behavior in some of the worst ways possible. Characters such as Taiyou displays borderline pedophile behavior towards Shio. Others such as Daichi and Satou'south aunt too demonstrate their psychological tendencies in several episodes. With the exception of Shio, simply one other character came to my mind who I can say is normal. Her name would be Shouko Hida but I wouldn't get attached to her easily. In fact, endeavour to refrain from getting attached to nigh of the characters in this series because their real personalities are incredibly agonizing. Another reason is that some characters will not make it alive. I'm not going to mention it as it's spoiler but let's just say that death isn't uncommon in the story. As the majority of the series adheres to psychological horror, it's difficult to actually root for any single character. The characters Satou deals with are often evil as she is with some existence even more twisted. All the same, I think some of her past can be sympathetic. Satou wasn't built-in with evil intentions but events shaped her to get what she is at present. The past explores her character in depth and there's even i episode that explains how Satou ends up where she is at present. Narratives in this series is incredibly important equally it fishes out a character'due south personality to the fullest. Satou is the primary example of this as we see a journey to understanding love in her words. There'due south too a character named Asahi Koube in the show with a deep want to reunite with Shio as a family unit. Simply unlike Satou, he doesn't become to measures such as killing to attain his happiness. Information technology's a fleck sugarcoated but he is more than of a hero than Satou will e'er be. By the fourth dimension you attain the decision of the first episode, I think information technology'll go obvious whether or not it's worth following this anime. Are you the type that love suspenseful horror? Do y'all favor a story with twisted inhumane characters? Exercise you want to run across if characters such as Satou or Shio actually find love in each other in the end? If these are some of the questions in mind, and so definitely give this anime a shot. Otherwise, it'southward going to be a sluggish ride as every episode builds more and more into the suspense. I personally find this anime unique in the sense that it isn't truly deceptive yet e'er makes me anticipate on what to expect next. The character bandage wants you to hate them and they succeed without jeopardizing the plot. And to me, that'south a feat that I admire. Similar the title suggests, Happy Sugar Life has a sugary and sweet coloring to its blitheness style. Studio Ezo'la (one that I never heard of before until this series) bought out its ideas to fullest. It'southward vibrant and total of life during moments when we see happiness. Then, there are those dark eerie scenes that brings out the horror of the story. Information technology's ofttimes moody especially in Satou's flat where questionable content lies in the night. As you should look, this show contains violence that includes murder. The TV version seems to have tone it down a bit as some of the graphic content is washed behind the scenes rather than shown directly on screen. Satou is the primary culprit of this but at that place are some other characters that commit sinful deeds. Oh and be prepared for some uncomfortable scenes from the main cast. Taiyou is a guy that I deeply regret watching for his pedophilic tendencies. Adept God, erase him from the show. Other character expressions in the series are disturbing to watch such as with Satou's red predatory eyes or her aunt's mentally unstable beliefs. The light in the night tunnel is Shio as she brings in sugar, spice, and everything nice. If you want psychology in this series, you lot demand the characters to be disarming. Thanks to the modern talent of Kana Hanazawa, that is achieved. She's known for a variety of heroine roles and to play a yandere in this serial truly bought out her talent to full. Misaki Kuno is also able to pace into the shoes of a child to portray her grapheme's innocence. The theme songs contain an upbeat mood that contrasts with the tone of the bear witness. Information technology'south very playful and bubbly while the ED theme contains a more melodramatic feeling. Happy Sugar Life tells the tale of love that isn't the typical romantic story y'all're familiar with. Instead, it crafts psychological horror with a cast of degenerate characters. In that location are some that you'll find to be abominations of our society. Yet, this series is far from an abomination. It's a psychological horror done right with a clear set of intentions at its heart and soul.
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Source: https://myanimelist.net/anime/37517/Happy_Sugar_Life
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